
Our Dialogue Series is a series of short interviews and responsive writings by Indigenous audiences and artworkers about work created by Indigenous artists. It addresses the lack of responsible, ethical and critical writing about, by, and for Indigenous art-making processes, collaborations, practices, performances, and more. The Dialogue Series celebrates, uplifts and amplifies the work of First Nations performing artists.

We are here to make our own archive.

Want to be a (paid) contributor? 

While a majority of previous Dialogue Series contributions have been written submission, writing is not a requirement, as we want to encourage the reframing of who and what “qualifies” as critique/responses to Indigenous art. 

If you have any questions please reach out to admin@firstnationsperformingarts.global

on practice: devynn emory
Haptic Paradigm Haptic Paradigm

on practice: devynn emory

We met with devynn emory for a discussion around their recent works deadbird, can anybody help me hold this body, and their forthcoming works Cindy Sessions and boiling-rain.

“I want to move away from the sensation of resistance, and move within the sensation of respect of what the work is asking of me. I'll practice surrender with whatever stage it needs to be in.”

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Photo: Joseph M. Pierce (left) and devynn emory (right) opening the traveling altar, can anyone help me hold this body, in Lenapehoking. Credit: Ian Douglas

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