First Nations Performing Arts is an Indigenous-led initiative that increases visibility of Indigenous performing arts workers while Decolonizing the performing arts field.
The work we create together on a digital platform does not exist in an ether, in an imaginary void, but is made possible because of physical land and the Indigenous people who steward it. We recognize this digital space, and all the Indigenous lands and waters of those who join us here. Squarespace, our web platform, is headquartered on the traditional unceded lands of Lenapehoking; and Zoom, our digital gathering space, is headquartered in what is now called San Jose, CA on the traditional lands of the Ohlone and Tamyen peoples.
Network, Kinship, & Decol Tracks
FNPA hosts a yearly convening to gather Indigenous arts workers and organizers to align and vision efforts to develop the long term FNPA program.
FNPA facilitates an 8-week course, the Decol Track, led by Emily Johnson and Ronee Penoi. Ally and accomplice institutions and individuals learn to deepen decolonization practice, rigor and peer learning/unlearning processes.
FNPA uplifts and celebrates Indigenous artists and art through amplifying their work within our Indigenous and ally networks.
Network Track
Kinship Work
Decolonizing Track
FNPA is seeking interested ally/accomplice arts leaders and organizations to join the next Decolonization Track! Read more about the Decolonization Track here and contact us at admin@firstnationsperformingarts.global to learn more.

devynn emory as part of S.J Norman's, Cicatrix 1 (that which is taken/that which remains), First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ricardo Martinez Roa

Daine Ashbee Serpentine, at First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ian Douglas

Allison Akootchook Warden, Kinstillatory Mappings in Light and Dark Matter, First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ian Douglas

Round Dance at Tëmikèkw, First Nations Dialogues 2019, photo by Ian Douglas

International Cohort gathering at ceremonial fire as part of S.J Norman's, Cicatrix 1, First Nations Dialogues, 2019.

Martha Redbone and Soni Moreno at Tëmikèkw, First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ian Douglas

Holly Mititquq Nordlum as part of S.J Norman's, Cicatrix 1, First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ricardo Martinez Roa

Sm Łoodm ‘Nüüsm - Dr. Mique’l Dangeli and Mike Dangeli performing “Where Do You Speak From?Locating Languages in the Body, Land, and Waterways" at Double Plus/Gibney Dance in Lenapehoking, 2018

Gloria Miguel with Genevieve Grieves and Lisa Pelligrino at Ktalëmskahëmòch, First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Emily Johnson

Quita Sullivan at Tëmikèkw, First Nations Dialogues, 2019.

Mariaa Randall, Footwork/Technique, at First Nations Dialogues 2019, photo by Ian Douglas

Procession as part of S.J Norman's, Cicatrix 1, First Nations Dialogues, 2019. Photo by Ricardo Martinez Roa

International cohort at Ktalëmskahëmòch, First Nations Dialogues, 2019.

Brent Michael Davids, IN WISCONSIN WOODS, 2020

Demian DinéYazhi speaking at Moshkamo Indigenous Arts Festival, 2018

Feast at Tëmikèkw, 2019. Photo credit Ian Douglas

Feast at Tëmikèkw, 2019. Photo credit Ian Douglas

Quentin Glabus, Kinstillatory Mappings in Light and Dark Matter, 2019. Photo by Ian Douglas